System Locker Privacy Policy

Last Updated: 6/15/2024
This document seeks to outline the way we collect, store, and use data. System Locker is required to disclose data practices under EU and California privacy law.

For Everyone

IP addresses, User Agents, and other information provided by your browser is logged by the webserver and retained for up to 7 days. This is for security and analytics purposes.

For Developers

A "Developer" is anyone who protects their software or service using System Locker and has a corresponding account. Information on developers is retained on sign up and login, including email addresses, IP addresses, User Agents, Referer headers, timestamps when signing up and logging in, and similar data provided by your browser. Information provided by the developer directly, such as their username, password and email address is also retained. All information on Developers is retained indefinitely, but you may request its deletion at any time.

For Resellers

A "Reseller" is anyone who is authorized to control software made by a Developer via System Locker through a corresponding account. Information on resellers is retained on sign up and login, including IP addresses, User Agents, Referer headers, and similar data provided by your browser. Information is also collected regarding actions taken when controlling a system. This information is retained indefinitely and you may request its deletion at any time.

For Users

A "User" is anyone who does not protect their software or service using System Locker–rather, they use software or a service protected by System Locker. Users may or may not have a System Locker account. If they have an account, information provided by the user (such as their username, email address, google ID and password) is retained indefinitely. Information regarding authentication requests is also logged and stored for a nominal period of 30 days; this includes IP address and a Hardware Identifier. Hardware identifiers are strings generated by the software the user is running, and thus could contain Personal Identifiable Information (such as your username on your computer). It should be assumed that information pertaining to authentication requests is visible to the software creator (the "Developer"). That information could include the user's IP address, but IPs are not visible by default. Authentication logs may be retained indefinitely but the default setting is to delete them after 30 days. You may request deletion of all such information at any time.


Due to the nature of security implementations, it is the responsibility of Developers who use the System Locker API to inform users about the sorts of information they are collecting, as well as the information that System Locker collects. The primary method of collection is through Hardware Identifier strings, which are limited to 1050 characters. For example some cases, local device usernames are put into this string, which is considered Personal Identifiable Information because device usernames are often real names. Even if usernames are not collected, Developers must inform their users in order to comply with local laws in many jurisdictions.

    Some Developers also make use of other APIs or protection methods that collect different information. This is beyond
    System Locker's control, and Developers must also notify users of that information collection as well.


Protecting your privacy

The information we store is used for security purposese and will not be sold. If System Locker itself is sold, the new owner would only receive the minimum amount of information required to continue providing the service–for example, logs would be destroyed but Hardware Identifiers will be retained.

    If you wish to protect your privacy, we recommend
    NordVPN (PAID LINK).
    NordVPN shields your IP address from the websites you visit, which is important because it can reveal your current
    location (accurate to the city/town you are in). Your IP address can also be leveraged by Law Enforcement to gather
    more information in extreme circumstances. Using NordVPN, you can mitigate these risks without compromising on
    speed—NordVPN uses a proprietary encryption protocol based on WireGuard to achieve very high connection

    Additionally, make sure your computer's name does not contain any information about yourself, because it may be
    included in a Hardware Identifier string. Avoid registering with an email address that can be linked to your real
    identity. We require you to use a real, non-disposable email address so we can reach you if there is ever an
    emergency, but beyond that it does not need to include any identifiable information. Avoid using a payment method
    that can be traced to your person. System Locker will make every effort to protect any information you provide,
    but it should never be assumed that any website is completely safe. Please contact us with any questions related
    to our security or your privacy.

You have rights.
For EU citizens, your privacy rights are governed by the GDPR The United Kingdom has an equivalent law.

    Californians privacy rights are governed by the California Consumer
        Privacy Act.

    Privacy is a human right. System Locker believes that privacy should not be sacrificed for security.

Questions & Contact Information
Questions or comments about the Service may be directed to us at the email address [email protected]

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